// Peony the Dryad


Taken at Astrium

The young dryad named Peony curiously snuck around the forest, stumbling upon a group of flowers of her favorite color. 
Happily she exclaimed "Peony loves you!" 

Join the story at www.astrium-mists.com/ 

M I D N I G H T   O R D E R
July 20th - August 20th 
 || Taxi || Website || 

 • {GHOSTED&RUF} Dryad Briar MESH Kit 
The MESH Kit includes ears and a tail.  Both have a number of different animations to choose from.
Skin shown is Peony, there are 22 skins in total to choose from plus BOM bits to mix and match parts of the mesh kit for a more unique look.



O T H E R  C R E D I T S

 ➤ HAIR. []Trap[] & :[P]: Zinnia Willow Hair 
• :[P]: & ERSCH- Nariane Bodysuit (Only leaves showing)
 • :[P]: & ERSCH - Veridia Outfit (Only leaves showing
HANDS. Aii & Ego + Demonic Touch 



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