// The Hunted Becomes the Hunter


My last post for Midnight Order before it closes and I tried to do something really different from my usual style~ 
M I D N I G H T   O R D E R

  Midnight Order will close on the 20th, get any last minute shopping in! 

 || Taxi || Website || 

 ➤ ANTLERS. :DOBS: - BloodBound Moose Horns 

 ➤ TATTOOS. Lilithe' 
Both tattoos come in either full or in pieces so you can use which parts you like.

Clearer view of the tattoos

 ➤ RIBCAGE. Lightwood - Effigy of Fear 
Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn 

 ➤ SKIRT. cinphul // soleil iii [skirt] 
Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn 
18 color options

Front and back view of the skirt.



O T H E R  C R E D I T S

 ♥ BeSpoke Mainstore | Marketplace ♥ 
 ➤ HEAD. BeSpoke - Monster of Famine 
Options to turn antlers and skin on/off (I am not using the antlers that are part of the head in this picture)

Closeup of the head + DOBS antlers

 ♥ [Seydr] Mainstore | Marketplace ♥ 
There are 6 different color options, all with the option to have the runes or not as pictured below.
There is also matching face tattoos!

Closeup of hand tattoo

 ➤ HANDS. Aii & Ego + Demonic Touch 



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