// Nephalem


M I D N I G H T   O R D E R
July 20th - August 20th 
 || Taxi || Website || 
Skin is shown on Lelutka - Milan head in Icy tone.

 ➤ EYES. Mana. // Crystalline Eyes 
BOM, Omega & Mesh.  
16 Colors

Closeup of the Eyes & Skin.

 ➤ HAIR. Usagi Society - Albedo Hair 
4 stytles, 253 colors (fantasy & natural tones), bangs included.
Rigged horns are sold separately. 

Albedo Hair with bangs

 ➤ WINGS. ~ Moon Rabbit ~ - Fallen Evil Bento Wings

Maitreya, Petite, Legacy, Reborn, Waifu, Erika, gen.X, Khara, Kupra, Kups, prima busty, prima petite

 ➤ EFFECTS. [AERTH] - Rosalina's Particle Set 
Includes floating petals, halo and body aura.  



O T H E R  C R E D I T S

 ♥ .:SYNNERGY.TAVIS:. Mainstore | Marketplace ♥ 
 ➤ BACKDROP. SYNNERGY.TAVIS// Spring Courtyard backdrop 

 ➤ NAILS. e.marie // Mix&Match Coffin - Midnight Madam Pink



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