// Evil Queen

M I D N I G H T   O R D E R
July 20th - August 20th
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 ➤ CROWN. :: ANTAYA :: Crown "Nizana" 
This crown comes with a HUD that offers 8 main colors to choose from, 4 metal colors and 8 gem colors.

DRESS. *SK* - Melantha 
Maitreya, Petite, Legacy, Perky, Reborn 
10 lovely colors to choose from

 ➤ BACKDROP. K&S - // Eternal Veil. Backdrop 
2 versions (light or without light), copy/mod or copy depending on which you purchase, 310 land impact.



O T H E R  C R E D I T S

 ➤ HAIR. Magika - Marigold 
 • RAWR! Holy Rings 
• PROMAGIC Mai Earring 



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