// Skin Fair 2025


// SKIN FAIR 2025 

 Welcome to Skin Fair 2025 
March 7th - 24th 

 Every store in this event will showcase new and exclusive skins, makeups, tattoos, bakes on mesh body features/modifications, body art and mesh body parts. 

 The Juniper Events and sponsor groups will have a 24 hour early access to the event (9am on the 6th of March – 9am on the 7th of March) 
You can join the Juniper Events Group (free to join), using the following link pasted into your browser: secondlife:///app/group/8cac56c3-49a0-012c-2c35-7836985af398/about 

 The Complexity limits of 100,000 will be enforced on the sims for the first few days to reduce the lag and give you a better shopping experience, please dress accordingly and detach any unnecessary attachments.

 Thank you to our event partner, GENUS PROJECT, and our Sponsors. 



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