// The Astral Plane


January 20th - February 20th 
Website | Taxi Soon 

 ➤ AsteroidBox. - Kelin Outfit (Shown on right avatar) 

Sizes: LaraX + Petite + Flat, Legacy M&F + Perky + VTech, Reborn + Waifu + Vtech and Jake

Kelin Outfit


Magika - Raven (Shown on left avatar) 

Optional bangs and horns as well as a mirrored style.
420 hair colors to play around with, individual sections of hair that can be changed.

Raven Hair



 ♥ BeSpoke Mainstore | Marketplace ♥ 
 ➤ HEAD. BeSpoke - StarSpawn - Cthulhu (Shown on the right avatar) 

Available at [Disturbed Event]
 Head is 10% off at the event. 

StarSpawn Head


 ♥ Amadeus Mainstore | Marketplace ♥ 
 ➤ BACK FINS. Amadeus - Halo of Fins

Unrigged Accessory

Halo of Fins

 ➤ DRESS. Petrichor - Arvylinde (Shown on middle avatar) 
DRESS. Petrichor - Zarys Dress and Armor (Shown on left avatar)



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