// Party Like It's 1929


  March 8th - March 25th 

 ➤ HAIR. KMH - F252 

Unrigged hair that comes with a tintable hairbase for EvoX, Genus 4K and SLUV

Front/Back of F252 Hair and showing the hairbase on the back

HEADBAND. K R E E P - Agnes Headband 


Closeup of the Agnes Headband

DRESS. K R E E P - Agnes Dress 

Sizes: Legacy and Reborn

Agnes Dress in a few colors

Sizes: LaraX, Legacy F & M, Reborn, Jake and Kuromori

Full closeup of the Blossomstride Prosthetic Legs


Each are available in cool or warm metals
2 Land Impact - Copy/Mod

Closeup of the two versions available


Four versions.  The dispenser makes a quiet noise and serves 5 kinds of drinks.
8 Land Impact - Copy/Mod

Full view of the Steampunk Brew Dispenser

BACKDROP. Dirty Rat - The Deco Den 

There is a PBR version included
31 Land Impact - Copy/Mod

Clear view of The Deco Den



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